
March 17, 2014

The Challenge of Building a Great City

Joining Land Use 2014 as the Keynote Speaker was an easy decision for David Miller. “I thought the conference would be a terrific opportunity to talk about city building,” said Miller, President and CEO of World Wildlife Fund – Canada. “How to use good planning and good thinking to help cities succeed economically, socially and environmentally.” Miller observed that Canadian cities are going…

January 13, 2014

Looking Ahead at Land-use Planning Policy in Alberta

Here are a few highlights of the policy issues Alberta Land Institute will be following in 2014. Release of the South Saskatchewan Regional Plan The South Saskatchewan Regional Plan (SSRP) may be the most significant planning tool for southern Alberta in the coming years.  The draft SSRP (up for consultation until January 15) is the second of seven Regional Plans to be developed under the 2009 Alberta…

November 12, 2013

Evaluating Mechanisms for Wetland Restoration and Retention in Alberta

Alberta Land Institute (ALI) is funding a research project to determine which methods of restoring or retaining wetlands are most effective – ecologically, economically and socially. Dr. Peter Boxall, Professor, Department of Resource Economics and Environmental Sociology at University of Alberta, is ALI’s Principal Investigator for this project. Boxall is collaborating with Dr. Irena Creed, Professor…

November 1, 2013

Past Climate Tests of Future Climate Predictions: Testing climate model veracity

The pressure to respond to Earth’s climate crisis has further increased with the recent release of the latest report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Presented by: Dr. Richard Peltier – 2013 Canada Council Killam Prize Winner in Natural Sciences Date and time: November 14, 2013 at 4:00 pm Location: Room 150, TELUS Centre, University of Alberta Free admission. Everyone welcome…

October 31, 2013

Integrating Wetlands in Municipal Planning: Alberta County Becomes Newest Wetland Restoration Agency

Dawn Rosset knows there’s a fine balance between crop production and retaining wetlands in Alberta. “Wetlands sometimes get looked at as wastelands in terms of agricultural production,” said Rosset. “We need to inform people that there is value and benefit to leaving wetlands on the landscape.” Rosset is the Wetland Coordinator at County of Vermilion River, the first rural municipality in…